Grill vertebra

When grilling becomes a PLEASURE MOMENT

A house, a grill, an experience.

With us you can sit in a circle around the fire and smell the roast. Or better: the fried one. Welcome to our grill kota. Here we grill meat, fish, vegetables and add small sauces, garlic bread and salads. Vino is always there – red, rosé, white, in small and large bottles. A maximum of 12 people can sit on the bench inside; in summer we can also set up outside on the terrace.

As an alternative to the GRILL.MENU, we also serve “wine tasting with snacks” (i.e. snacks) at Kota. Martin will first pick out sips that suit your taste. Or you can just let him do it, he is our family’s “wine” farmer.

Download the price list and experience an unforgettable evening in our Grillkota!


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